Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Conseris – Simplifying Your Data Through Clean, Intelligent Curation

If you pay attention to news related to big data, you’re well aware that the data scientist profession is a scorching hot one to join. The need for them is growing, their salaries are rising. Businesses widely recognize the need to collect and make use of data to remain leaders in their respective industries.


But what about the rest of us who also rely on data and who aren’t data scientists? We gather information, create reports and presentations… We don’t all work for large corporations or have the luxury of hiring expensive data wizards to help us with our projects.


Conseris, a tool that lets you “gather and explore your data from anywhere on the planet,” can level the playing field.


consersis landing


With Conseris, you can gather your data from anywhere, and work with it both online and offline. Data gathering might include taking photos, recording voice memos, scanning barcodes, submitting GPS coordinates, and much more. Basically, whatever research you need to do, you can enter it into Conseris.


Forget about spreadsheets. Forget about transferring info from one form to the next. Forget about assembling maps and charts from scratch, all on your own. Conseris handles all of these tasks for you. This is what data collecting and analysis made easy looks like.


You simply open a project in Conseris and let its algorithms transform your data into useful information, as your datasets change and grow. At heart, Conseris makes it easy to visualize data. The beautification of data begins with a clean interface for data entry, replacing horrible spreadsheets, and continues by allowing users to easily turn data into live charts and other visualizations. Bottom line: Conseris is a great tool for viewing and sharing data, which also improves collaboration.


consersis data


Do more with less effort – a huge score, right? It goes without saying that people would rather focus on leveraging the knowledge gained from surveys than spending time on designing the surveys themselves. Well, Conseris accelerates and enhances such processes from end to end.


The Conseris mobile app (available on Google Play or the App Store) ensures that your data is always with you.


Ready to transform your work? To vastly improve your research and your ability to explore collected data? Conseris offers different plans for individuals and teams (depending on team size), all of which include unlimited datasets and full access to all Conseris workspaces. Visit to get started today and to take advantage of a free 30-day trial.


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