Monday, June 27, 2016

The Daily Distiller Dishes Up the Daily News with a Clever Boozy Twist

In case you haven’t noticed, email newsletters are kind of becoming a thing. Jason Calacanis is doing one. Lena Dunham is doing one.


And it makes sense: we’re busy people, time is a finite resource. Why waste your time leapfrogging around the Internet scavenging for the content that interests you when the content can come to you – or, more specifically, to your inbox?


For the most part, email newsletters tend to be pretty targeted and interest-specific. If you want the latest in tech, chances are you subscribe to The Hustle or Launchticker. If you want pensive reflections on the meaning of life, you might be on the Brainpickings email list.



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The Daily Distiller takes a bit of a different approach to the daily newsletter model: rather than picking one subject or area to focus on, their newsletter runs the gamut, combining the latest and greatest from a bunch of different areas – news, sports, culture, business, and technology – as well as top stories worth reading, new albums worth listening to, and more.


The result is a quick snapshot of all of the information you need to start your day – all delivered to your inbox every day, in a format that is charmingly reminiscent of the ink-and-paper newspapers you might have received once upon a time (remember those?).


Take the issue dated 6/23: it covers the Congress Democrats’ gun control sit-in, the Brexit, the NBA Draft, the Euro Cup Round of 16, the return of Darth Vader for the new Star Wars spin-off “Rogue One” and, under “Parting Shots”, the latest research on Zika and developments related to breast cancer treatment. In a nod to the Daily Distiller tite, each issue also includes a “Drink of the Day” – today, a Singapore Sling.


Oh, and did we mention? All of it is completely free of charge.


The diversity of The Daily Distiller’s content is directly reflected in the diversity of their audience, founder Bobby Samuels says. Positive response has come from across the board, across ages, genders, and geographies.


It will be interesting to see how the Daily Distiller team develops this concept as they continue to grow their audience – and learn more about them. Can we look forward to customized versions, catered more specifically to different sub-groups’ tastes? Or maybe a multimedia approach?


Whatever path they decide to take moving forward, one thing is clear: The Daily Distiller has tapped into something powerful about how people today want to consume information.


And if your daily dose of knowledge comes with a drink recco thrown in? So much the better.

The post The Daily Distiller Dishes Up the Daily News with a Clever Boozy Twist appeared first on KillerStartups.

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